Either way, it's bound to be a deeply personal journey from start to finish. Have fun with this freebie, and dont miss to tell your friends. Dive even deeper into the award-winning Dragon Age: Origins with 8 expansions, unique weapons and more. Then, finally reaching Morrigan and hearing her plans is a unique experience for anyone. Another awesome FREEBIE by EA Games at Origin. The story purposefully asks you to revisit places you encountered during the main story, causing a wave of nostalgia to hit you each and every time. Note that the DLCs did download in game before Origin. Also i believe we need some files from the dragon age wiki to make some of the DLC work properly also. However you fall on the morals of this decision, it was incredibly satisfying to track Morrigan down over the course of this DLC. The only way to install DAO DLC is to download and install it manually from the Bioware website. While players usually don't appreciate when game designers lock the game's true conclusion behind a paywall, it's (unfortunately) something that BioWare is still doing to this day (see the Trespasser DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition).

On the panel in question, scroll down and you should see the games expansion, shortcut and DLC content. You can left click the game panel then choose the Extra Content tab in the bottom left. For other versions, free DLC can be downloaded manually from the EA. Instead of expansions having their own panel in the Game Library section of Origin, the expansion content will instead show up the Extra Content panel. The DLC Witch Hunt answers the final mystery left open-ended at the conclusion of Dragon Age: Origins - where did Morrigan go? Whether you participated in her Dark Ritual or not, Morrigan flees after the final battle and is nowhere to be seen during the subsequent celebration. Once claimed, the Origin client will automatically download and install DLC with the game.